Erasmus Seminar


Seminar «Strategies for HEIs: Achieving Excellence in QS

 and International Rankings / Unlocking Success: 

Implementing QS and THE Rankings»

On September 19-20, 2024, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with the Erasmus+ National Office in Uzbekistan and the Alisher Navo’i Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature, held a seminar within the framework of the technical assistance mission of the European Union. The seminar was attended by teachers of the Turkmen State Institute of Finance Shohrat Bashimov and Eziz Beknazarov.

The seminar was devoted to the topic «Strategies for HEIs: Achieving Excellence in QS and International Rankings / Unlocking Success: Implementing QS and THE Rankings». Its primary goal was to provide Uzbekistan’s higher education institutions with practical strategies to align their quality standards with international benchmarks.

The event was inaugurated with speeches from key figures in the higher education sector, including Shahrukh Aliyev, First Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovations, Aziza Abdurakhmanova, Head of the National Erasmus+ Office in Uzbekistan, and Diyor Umarov, Head of the International Cooperation and Rankings Department. Their addresses set the tone for a seminar aimed at fostering academic excellence and international recognition for Universities of Uzbekistan.

The main speaker and expert of the seminar was Professor Ellen Hazelkorn, who gave a lecture to representatives of local universities on the concept of international university rankings and their significance, as well as on quality criteria in the higher education system. At the practical stage, the professor presented the existing rating systems (with an emphasis on THE, QS and ARWU), explaining their criteria, methodologies, advantages and disadvantages. Also at the seminar, representatives of local universities, who took worthy places in international rankings, shared their experiences. 

This important event was organized within the framework of the activities of experts on higher education reform (HERE) of the Erasmus+ project.



744027, Aşgabat ş., 1987 köç. (Türkmenistanyň Gahrymany Atamyrat Nyýazow şaýoly), 112.
744027, г. Aшхабад,  1987 (проспект Героя Туркменистана Атамурада Ниязова), 112.
744027, 112, 1987 str. (Hero of Turkmenistan Atamyrat Nyyazov ave.), Ashgabat c.
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