Foreign languages


Teachers of the department «Foreign Languages» in all areas of training (specialties) conduct classes in the disciplines: «English in the field of training», «Russian language in the field of training», «Turkmen language and speech culture».

The teachers of the department carry out educational, scientific, methodological and other activities to implement the tasks set for the higher educational institutions of the country in accordance with the Concept for improving the teaching of foreign languages approved by the Decree No. 519 of the President of Turkmenistan dated December 22, 2017.

Under the authorship of the teachers of the department «Foreign languages» in foreign publications were published monographs «Multimedia tools for teaching a foreign language in economic universities of Turkmenistan: Monograph», «Using songs, rhymes and games in teaching foreign languages. Monograph».

Currently, the department is conducting research work on the topic «The importance of business English in improving the marketing strategies of an enterprise», and there are also scientific circles «Language is my wealth», «My language, my world», «Spiritual treasure». The faculty of the department publish scientific articles in journals. They supervise the scientific work of students who participate in scientific circles, prepare students for participation in ongoing state and international subject Olympiads, competitions of scientific works (projects).



744027, Aşgabat ş., 1987 köç. (Türkmenistanyň Gahrymany Atamyrat Nyýazow şaýoly), 112.
744027, г. Aшхабад,  1987 (проспект Героя Туркменистана Атамурада Ниязова), 112.
744027, 112, 1987 str. (Hero of Turkmenistan Atamyrat Nyyazov ave.), Ashgabat c.
Fax: +993 12 496299

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+993 12 496309