Selbi Atajanova


  Selbi Atajanova, 

3rd year student of the banking faculty of the 

Turkmen State Institute of Finance

In the Revival of a new era of a sovereign state, as a result of the great efforts of the Hero Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar, unlimited opportunities are created for young people to study and work, as well as engage in creativity in their chosen profession.

In accordance with the decree No. 1127 issued by the President of Turkmenistan on September 24, 2024, during the celebration of the significant 33rd anniversary of our holy Independence in the year of the “Magtumguly Pyragy's Fount of Mind”, the results of the “Golden Age of Turkmens” award ceremony were summed up, which was held among literary, cultural and artistic figures, as well as passionate young singers and talented children. I was lucky to win this competition in the nomination “For the best poems and verses”. Therefore, as a happy student of the Banking faculty of the Turkmen State Institute of Finance, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Arkadagly Hero Serdar.

Our Hero Arkadag, as well as the Esteemed President Hero Arkadagly Serdar place great hopes in the main support of our society - the youth. Therefore, I want to assure you that in the future I will create works praising our beloved homeland, dear people, the activities of our Esteemed President in the interests of the people and the country. Taking this opportunity, I would like to sincerely wish the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero Arkadag, as well as Arkadagly Hero Serdar good health, well-being and success in their activities in the interests of the people and the country.




Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň 2009-njy ýylyň 12-nji



Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň 2009-njy ýylyň 12-nji


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Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň 2009-njy ýylyň 12-nji



Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň 2009-njy ýylyň 12-nji


744027, Aşgabat ş., 1987 köç. (Türkmenistanyň Gahrymany Atamyrat Nyýazow şaýoly), 112.
744027, г. Aшхабад,  1987 (проспект Героя Туркменистана Атамурада Ниязова), 112.
744027, 112, 1987 str. (Hero of Turkmenistan Atamyrat Nyyazov ave.), Ashgabat c.
Fax: +993 12 496299

Telefon belgiler:
+993 12 496309